I tried burning some Sage today . I understand the herb is known for its confiscation of negative energy – my meditation went well in fact it positively flowed. I incorporated Shamanism , smudging and drumming whilst focusing on the earth element of fire. The constancy of the drum and the energy of the ignited herb instilled a grounding sense of belonging – when meditating in this way we de personalise our experience and become children of the earth . My meditation became a mantra simply and definitely connecting me with mother earth , plant spirit and people.

I found empathy and kindness came with a lot less concentration because I had conducted this inner cleansing.

Gardening is particularly inspiring at this time of year. We see the green lance of Narcissi , crocus and the nodding white bells of Snow drop .

I wanted to enhance the nobility of these first people to spring from the ground so I set about doing some diligent weeding . The soil in my customers garden is nutrient rich but cloggy with clay. I have a handy tool from my Aunt's kitchen (she was about to throw it out) which adds dexterity to the delicate operation of uprooting small dandelions and grass weeds which were sitting right on the root pathway of the bulbs. I plucked away patiently and found myself surrendering to the seduction of the task – trading structure and purpose for mindful regard and appreciation of that vital dance between cultivator and nurturer. As a professional gardener we have to regard our work with a sense of structure and outcome that the customer can value and appreciate , but its also nice to surrender oneself to ground level and savour the plants.

It looked lovely afterwards , and my customer permitted me to take a few daises home .