Today was a blustery one so I drove to the Green Gym where I help as a volunteer gardener once a week .

I helped Jeff who is in his seventies and had been eyeing the recalcitrant Buddleia for weeks , waiting for a wet day to lop the leggy branches off while there were less people around . We worked together on the alley way between Sainsburys and our Green gym which is a local small park.

I got to grips with the Ivy . Ivy is a great bird food in winter and early spring - the pigeons love the black berries all of which I left intact. My objective was to make a neat fringe at the base of the ivy leaving a space for light and neatness between the path and the Ivy tip.

I scraped out good leaf litter which we put on our leaf mould heap and picked out plastic , cans and bottles for the recycling.

I remembered I am a Womble each time any trace of resentment popped up . I also recalled how rubbish was a treasure to me in childhood as I built dens in the 'spinny' (small copse of wood) transforming a cola crate into a TV powered by my imagination - I'm so glad I paid the bill and can tap into that internal resource when the outer world is sanguine.